26 01 2014

2013 midnight run

My staff will tell you that I harass them to death, towards the end of the year, as I challenge them to join me at the New York Road Runner’s Midnight Run in Central Park each year.  This was my 5th year running in this very exciting, but not well known event.  I find it very energizing to start the year off, in the healthiest of ways with a crisp, 4 mile run with thousands  of other New Yorkers, in costume, or not, to bring in the New Year.  We know, that holding ourselves to resolutions  we make at the first of the year can be very challenging.  Making promises to yourself,  and, making changes in your lifestyle, takes some commitment .  Well, on that earliest of mornings, at the very first of the year, resetting my engines, guarantees that you have at least started your year off right.  Now, I have to continue to commit to healthier living.  Regular jogs in the morning seems to be working quite nicely.  What fell by the wayside – the 3 x a week blogging I had committed to :(!

It is how I feel about achieving a healthier lifestyle.  We try and make commitments to improved health.  The best of us do.  Don’t give up, just celebrate were you are, congratulate yourself on what went well; re-evaluate what did not go so well and try and figure out a plan to make things work better next time.  Reset your engines, and, let’s get going!


To my Morningside Dental Care staff, I will be looking for you at the starting lines December 31, 2014.  Here’s to your health!



Why is tooth decay a greater factor in causing heart attacks than cholesterol?

29 04 2013

healthy heart and healthy teeth

There are many myths out there about the importance of reducing cholesterol to decrease heart disease.  Well some of the most surprising facts are these:

Cholesterol is a minor player in heart disease.

Cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart attacks.

Half of heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol.

Half the people with elevated cholesterol have healthy hearts.

Research has been done that indicates that cholesterol plays a key role in cell signaling, and it may be very important to  other functions of the cell as well.

Lowering cholesterol has an extremely limited benefit. Research was done in the 1990’s in France where they took 2 groups of men who had high risks of heart disease.  All of them had had previous heart attacks.  They also had high stress, didn’t exercise and had high cholesterol.  Half of the men at the American Heart Association Diet with low saturated fat and cholesterol, and the other half ate a Mediterranean diet high in fish oils  Omega 3’s, vegetables and monounsaturated fat.  The study was stopped midway because the Mediterranean group reduced  heart attacks by 70%.  The funny thing was, their cholesterol levels remained the same.  

Some of the major causes of heart disease are inflammation and stress and believe it or not – SUGAR.  Sugar is more of a dietary danger than fat alone.  Sugar will cause you to become more resistant to insulin, which will cause you to accumulate more fat, which causes more inflammation, which in turn causes more damage to the arteries.  The damage to the arteries results in plaque on the arterial walls and an increased risk for heart disease.

Bacteria in the plaque in your mouth, feed off of the sugar in your foods, and create acids which damage the tooth structure causing tooth decay.

There should be no confusion about the fact that what we put in our bodies that is bad for the teeth, is likely going to be bad for total overall health as well.

Jonny Bowder, PhD, CNS who co-wrote the book The Great Cholesterol Myth has a 7 point program to reduce the risk of heart disease:

1)  Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.

2)  Reduce sugar, grains, starches, and omega 6’s.

3)  Manage your stress.

4)  Exercise.

5)  Drink only in moderation.

6)  Don’t smoke.

7)  Supplement with antioxidants, Vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, Omega 3’s.

Always remember Healthy Teeth can equal a Healthy Heart which equals a health Body!



Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.

25 04 2013

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23 04 2013


The 10 top foods for dental health are:











There is probably no surprise that they are also fantastic foods for your total body health!




Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.


Christopher Crists’ Dentist Pulls All of His Teeth

19 04 2013

dental exam

You may have seen this article in the news about a patient who had all of his teeth pulled out without his consent during a dental procedure.  Quite a few of the comments were questioning how could a patient have his teeth removed and not know they were being removed and really questioning the patient, and the fact that his teeth were probably in poor condition, or why would the dentist remove them.  Other people really were furious with the dentist, some even wanting his demise.

I will share my thoughts with you from a dentists perspective, though, with no direct information about this particular situation.  Great communication is the key factor when it comes to working with your health care providers.  I guess the most important thing that I want to share is that it is very important to ensure that you are as informed as possible when you undergo treatment, and that if you are not able to, always make sure that you have a representative who understands.  A great relationship between you and any healthcare provider, can prevent alot of mis-understanding and upset.

The article stated that the patient was autistic, therefore, it would have been very important that he had someone with him who could help him understand the intended treatment.  It is important to make sure that when you go to any health care situation, if at all there are any questions, that someone  who is truly able to advocate on behalf of the patient is there to ensure the best possible outcome. The article also stated that he was given a pill prior to initiating treatment.  On may occasions, we sedate the patient prior to treatment if they are very apprehensive.  If the patient was sedated, then he was not able to consent to dental treatment during the procedure.  He would have therefore been unable to tell the dentist what he would need or want.  The young man had to have 3 teeth removed, which means that there were possibly other teeth that were in poor shape only.  The parent had some reason to state that she only wanted 3 teeth removed.  It is possible as well that there were some financial concerns which may be why she only wanted certain work done.

Many times we as dentists, and other healthcare practitioners make decisions for our patients based upon what we feel are there financial limitations (we try and diagnose their pocketbooks).  See, I would like to believe that this dentist, maybe saw the young man’s mouth in disarray, and felt that it may have been more cost effective to remove all of his teeth at the same time, while under sedation, thinking that he is helping cut costs for the patient in the long run.  Oftentimes, we feel that they might not be able to afford it, and let’s just get the other bad ones out before it starts to hurt them down the road.  That is just a limiting backwards way of thinking, though the dentist is feeling that  he or she is trying to help.

I think that the teeth are so valuable!  You only get one set as an adult, and you must find every means of saving the teeth, try every option possible.  Never, make a decision for the patient, though you may THINK you are trying to do what is in the patient’s best interest.  Always think, if it was your mother, brother, or sister, where finances for dental care would not be in question, what would you do for them?  Get into really good communication with the patient and their concerned relatives and come up with a plan that everyone can agree to; and, think, what can we do to help the patient keep their teeth for a lifetime, if possible.

Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.

Go Boston!

17 04 2013

It is hard not to feel shocked and saddened about the events that happened at the Boston Marathon just 2 days ago.  As a newbie in the running circle, I am always in awe of  runners who have the tremendous strength , stamina and determination to complete marathon after marathon, and those who choose to run even greater distances.My condolences go out to the family and friends of those who were injured, lost their lives and were at all impacted by the horrific events that occurred in Boston.  May everyone who runs and/or walks continue to take to the streets in even greater numbers; and, ensure that the marathon “culture” continues to endure!!


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Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.

Gum Disease – Get the Facts!

16 04 2013

Dental HealthStyles

Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.

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Stick out Your Tongue and say Ahhh!

15 04 2013

baby w tongue

Have you looked at your tongue lately?  The appearance of your tongue can reveal a lot about your health.   Take a moment to examine your tongue.  The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body.  The appearance of the tongue has been studied in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.  The tongue is connected energetically to different organs of the body.  The sides of the tongue correspond to the liver.  The tip of the tongue corresponds to the heart.  The back of the tongue can indicate kidney health; and, the center of the tongue relates to the spleen. 

How should a healthy tongue look? A healthy tongue should be pink in color, slightly moist, and smooth with no bumps or spots. The tongue should also be layered with visible taste buds that detect the five taste sensations – sweet, bitter, salty, sour, and savory.  The color, texture, and moisture of the tongue can indicate anemia, dehydration and kidney problems, to name just a few.


A healthy tongue should be pink in color. The color of the tongue also reflects the health of the body’s internal organs and blood circulation. A bright red tongue could be indicative of nutritional deficiencies in iron and B-vitamins.  A  pale tongue could indicate your blood is lacking hemoglobin, especially if the tongue is also extremely smooth.  Purple  can indicate high cholesterol levels and poor circulation that results in stagnant blood in the tongue.

A healthy tongue should be smooth in appearance, gently moist, with visible taste buds.  A healthy tongue should have a thin transparent coating. Changes to the coating can indicate acute illness, such as colds and digestive issues.

Nutritional deficiencies can affect the health and appearance of the tongue. The most common deficiencies which do so are B-vitamins (in particular B6 and B12). Deficiencies in B6 or B12 can lead to a swollen and sore tongue, along with teeth indentations and fissures on the surface of the tongue.  An iron deficiency can cause swelling of the tongue and painful sores in the mouth. The tongue will also appear pale and smooth due to the lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

To ensure a healthy tongue, you should brush your tongue whenever you brush your teeth.

Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.

When Can Tea cause Tooth Loss?

24 03 2013


When it comes to eating anything, moderation is key.  Here is an article from the Huffington Post which shows that over-consusmption of tea, can actually cause tooth loss.

Decades of hard tea drinking led to tooth loss and other bone problems for a 47-year-old Michigan woman, reports the New England Journal of Medicine. After treating the patient for severe pain in her back, arms, legs and hips, her doctor Sudhaker Rao discovered that consuming “astronomical amounts” of highly concentrated tea for nearly 20 years had caused her fluoride levels to spike to more than four times the normal amount.

As a result, her bones had become so brittle that her teeth had to be extracted. “Her bone density was very high, seven times denser than normal,” says Rao, “it was like steel.” In the US, brewed tea contains hight amounts of fluoride, which Rao believes was causing her bone problems. “There have been about three to four cases reported in the US associated with ingesting tea, especially large amounts of it,” he notes. The patient had been downing a pitcher of tea–containing roughly 20 milligrams of fluoride–a day. “Most of us can excrete fluoride extremely well, but if you drink too much, it can be a problem,” he says.

The patient has been prescribed a tea-free diet, and has since recovered. Experts say her case serves as proof that extreme consumption of almost any substance can be harmful. New York City doctor Joseph Lane, chief of the metabolic bone disease service at Weill Cornell Medical College, says he once had a patient who “overdosed” on fish oil. “Then she had a minor injury and bled a lot, almost like hemophilia,” he explains, “it turns out the patient had too much vitamin E in the blood.”


Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.


13 03 2013


U.S. sugar producers are poised to get a sweet deal.

The USDA is considering buying 400,000 tons of sugar in an aim to limit supply and boost prices so that sugar producers can pay back government loans that they’re in danger of defaulting on, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move would be an exercise of an untested provision inserted in the 2008 farm bill called the Feedstock Flexibility Program, which allows the USDA to intervene in the market to raise prices.

While the artificial price boost would benefit companies that manufacture sugar, the losers may be the makers of your favorite candies — like Mars, Hershey and Nestle — and that may mean higher candy prices.

(Read the full report on the bailout in the Wall Street Journal)

The sugar industry has long benefited from controversial government subsidies, and it doesn’t appear that will change anytime soon: The Senate voted down an amendment just last June that would have slowly stripped the sector of federal government aid, according to BusinessWeek. Though it’s not uncommon for the government to prop up certain commodities, the sugar subsidy functions differently than most. Instead of sending money to farmers to elevate prices — like in the case of corn, wheat and rice — the sugar program limits imports.

A bipartisan group of Senators, who backed the amendment, wrote in an August blog post for The Hill that by tightly controlling the sugar supply, the government is boosting prices and costing the country $3.5 billion and 20,000 jobs per year.

Candy companies, for their part, claim they often have to raise prices or slow down hiring to cope with the artificially high cost of sugar.

It could be difficult to get rid of any sugar subsidies though. Sugar makers spent more than $2 million to lobby lawmakers last year, according to data from Open Secrets cited by U.S. News and World.


Dr Donna Williams

Dr. Williams began her career in the field of dentistry at Howard University and graduated from Baltimore College Dental Surgery/University of Maryland. She is one of a select group of general dentists who have completed a fellowship in Holistic dentistry, and is also certified to use the only FDA approved laser for periodontal surgery. She is passionate about improving the health status of people throughout the community and beyond. Contact her at: Morningside Dental Care.